Fund your dream
Turn Your Vision into Reality with Startup Funding from Misulis
We provide straightforward angel investing and business loans without the red tape. Our resources can help your company seize new opportunities and navigate challenges. Together we can take your idea from early-stage startup to successful business.
Angel Investments
Are you the perfect match?
We’re looking for startup teams with an edge. This means that you and your employees:
Understand the problem you’re trying to solve inside out
Have validated your core assumptions
Are experts on your users and your industry
Know who your market is, what they’re willing to pay for, and why
Bring the necessary skills and passion to fuel your startup’s success
You’ll be a startup founder who:
Keeps yourself accountable but understands that startups are a team game.
Lives and breathes your startup
Understands that if you’re successful, your business will take over your life for the next few years, or even your entire career.
Is motivated enough to weather setbacks, and withstand pressure
We can trust, and who we’ll love collaborating with
Show us a fantastic idea that:
You’ve taken as far as possible without external funding
Solves an urgent need for your current or potential customers
Is focused on a specific problem rather than “changing the world”
Is backed up by a good product/service, and a solid business plan
Angel Investment
At Misulis we invest our capital and resources in early-stage startups in exchange for a 15%-49% stake in your business.
Sealing a deal with us means more than just cash. You’ll get access to our connections, and business know-how. We’ll give you the support to accelerate your startup’s growth.
Angel Investment may be the right choice if you:
Want advice and partnership; not just money
Have the potential for exponential growth
Are willing to exchange a share of your business
Have limited personal assets
Angel Investment may not be the right choice if you:
Are unwilling to give up business equity
Do not want outside influence on your decision making
Are starting or expanding a lifestyle business
Need a small amount of money to overcome a minor obstacle
What Do You Need to Get Started?
First, we want more than just facts and figures.
Give us a vivid picture of the impact we’ll have on your startup, and the impact your startup will have on your community.
Then we‘ll need the nitty-gritty financial details such as your earnings, gross revenue, and expenses. Tell us your projected growth, and your customer acquisition cost vs. customer lifetime value. Outline your future funding requirements and timelines.
Show us your budget spreadsheet, comprehensive business plan, and business task schedule. Be ready to explain your startup’s past performance and financial projections.