Go From “Not So Bad”Job to Career You Love


Our affordable career consulting and advice help you create the career you want. Whether it’s your passion, or simply a role you’re good at with a higher salary and better benefits. We’ll guide you every step of the way: from exploring your options to accepting the job offer. Career consulting should be for everyone. Not just big business executives.

Personal Diagnostic Consultation

Investigate your strengths and weaknesses with our diagnostic report. Understand who you are to make a better decision about where to go next.

Goal Setting and Strategic Planning Consultation

You’ll develop achievable action steps towards your professional goals. We’ll be here for you to bounce ideas off of, get over mental hurdles, and keep yourself on the right track.

Personal Profile Document Redesign

We help you craft personal profile documents that do more than pass applicant tracking systems and the 5-second review. Employment gaps, job-hopping, or complicated work history? No problem.

  • People asking themselves “what’s next?“ for their career

    Anyone looking to make a change in their professional life but not sure for which industry or direction they are best suited

    Anyone interested in getting to know themselves and what they have to offer

    Anyone confused or intimidated by the business world who wants to curate the best version of their professional self

  • Explore your technical competence and behavioral confidence

    Investigate your interests, values, strengths, weaknesses, and preferences

    Clarify your desired lifestyle

    Show you how your personal development relates to academic, co-curricular options and career opportunities

  • Evaluation session to explore your behaviors and pre-existing skills along with your interests, values, preferences, strengths, and weaknesses to have a complete picture of you(1-2 hours)

    Discussion session to clarify your lifestyle and professional goals, to aid in our recommendations (1 hour)

    Summary report of our diagnostic evaluation from the session including suggestions on next steps and professional avenues for you to explore (2-5 pages with template)

    Outline of personalized recommendations to ensure you are working towards a fulfilling career that you will be well suited for (1 page)

  • People struggling with procrastination and lack of direction in their career

    Anyone unhappy in their current position but unsure where to go next or how to navigate the business world

    Anyone wanting to begin a new journey into an entrepreneurial journey

    Anyone moderately happy in their field but wanting to branch out and explore their options

  • Evaluate your progress towards these goals with a sit-down consultation

    Help you determine milestones and how to reach them

    Connect your long term and short term goals to specific career options

    Provide a detailed summary report to guide you through your journey of achieving the goals we set together

  • Goal evaluation session to determine where you are and where you want to go (1-2 hours)

    Milestone brainstorming and planning session to put the goals in action (1-2 hours)

    Goal setting and clarification session where we will develop smart, measurable, achievable goals (1-2 hours)

    Summary report of all plans and information covered in the session (2-5 pages with template)

    Road map of your next career steps with evaluation tools to ensure you are on the path to success (1 page)

  • Anyone actively job searching but struggling to land interviews or get their foot in the door

    Anyone looking to change career fields and unsure about the standard practices of a new industry

    Anyone with a complicated or underwhelming resume who wants to gain confidence

    People unfamiliar with professional documents and looking for guidance on where to start

    People who have been out of the workforce for a time and want to break back in, including parents who took off to care for children and people affected by layoffs

  • Evaluate your work history, professional goals, and personalized needs with an evaluation

    Create a plan for your documents that with show companies you are a qualified and desirable candidate including a profile summary, keyword optimization, formatting, word choice impact, and more

    Create your personal profile including CV/Resume, cover letters, and motivation letters

    Review your social media channels to ensure you are putting your best foot forward

  • Goal evaluation session to determine where you are and where you want to go (1-2 hours)

    Social media review with suggested changes and optimization strategies

    Personal document packet including your CV/Resume, a powerful cover letter, and motivation letters customized to your needs

Job Search Expert Workshop

We’ll take you through the ‘what, why, and how’ of a successful job search. We give you a no-nonsense system full of fresh strategies and tactics. Take back control of your job hunt.

Interview Coaching

We’ve been on both sides of the interview desk. Now we’ll teach you concrete tricks and strategies to land the job.

Coaching based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

We use the scientifically proven, evidence-based principles of CBT to help you overcome obstacles and move forward. You’ll practice skills you can use months, years, even decades from now

  • People wanting to make a change in their career but are unsure where to start or feeling stuck

    Anyone trying to break into a professional field but feels intimidated by the rapidly evolving job market

    Anyone looking to develop an actionable plan for their job search

  • Help you research interesting industries and fields to find what is the right fit for you

    Have a conversation about the specifics of possible career choices to make sure you get the job you are looking for

    Walk you through a well-coordinated step by step job search process to find the career for you

    Equip you with the skills to navigate the ever-evolving job market

  • Industry/field research and planning session with career choices consultation (1-2 hour?)

    Job search process hands-on explanation session (1-2 hours)

    Summary report of explanation and consultation session to ensure you have the tools long after our workshop ends (2-5 pages with template)

  • Everyone preparing for an upcoming interview

    Anyone unsure or inexperienced in the interview process

    People who have been meeting with companies but are unsure why they haven’t been successful

  • Help you master networking strategies and interviewing techniques

    Teach you how to go beyond talk to prove you can do the job

    Teach you to answer the most common and difficult interview questions with confidence

    Help you adapt your interview style to different company cultures and environments

    Show you how to spot the red flags of a company that’s not right for you

    Practice your new strategies in mock interviews and receive feedback

  • One-on-one coaching sessions to walk you through the interview process and help you feel comfortable sitting in front of the desk (1.5-3 hours)

    Mock interview practice to build your confidence and walk you through all the interview how-tos (1-2 hours)

    A summary report of the strategies and knowledge covered in our sessions for you to review at your leisure (2-5 pages)

    A video recording of our call for you to review after the fact

    An action plan that will serve as your road map to future interviews

  • People struggling to manage their negative feelings around work and life

    Anyone who feels overwhelmed or bogged down by the professional world and wants to learn a better work to life balance

    Anyone who struggles with stress and anxiety around their job, job searching, or the world today

    People who want to improve their mindset and invite more positivity into their lives

  • Teach you to set goals that are realistic and solve problems

    Show you how to manage all the negative emotions around the job search, like anxiety

    Identify situations you might avoid and approach feared situations gradually

    Identify and challenge automatic negative thoughts (ANTs)

    Change the way you think and shift your mindset to reduce stress

    Help you start doing more enjoyable activities like hobbies, social activities, and exercise

    Keep a journal to track your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors and provide invaluable insight into yourself

  • Evaluation session to explore your behaviors and identify the issues that are holding you back the most (1-2 hours)

    Discussion session to walk through actionable techniques that will help you manage the negative and encourage the positive in your life (1 hour)

    Summary report of our session covering the strategies and techniques to help you keep practicing long after the session ends (2-5 pages with template)

    Outline of personalized recommendations to ensure you leave with the skills you need (1 page)

    Please note: Misulis Group cannot diagnose mental or physical disorders, or provide medical advice or treatment. If you have any concerns, we recommend speaking with a licensed health professional in your area.

Industry Navigation Coaching

We help you get inside tips on breaking into a new field and keeping up to date on industry trends. Create your industry-specific network by meeting professionals, even if you don’t know anyone yet. We also help you exchange ideas and fight imposter syndrome on equal terms with other job seekers.

Development Courses and Training

With our courses and training, you’ll develop the necessary skills and knowledge in your spare time. Go through them, again and again, to make the lessons stick. Straight-to-the-point education with no fluff.

  • People asking themselves “where to go from here?”

    Anyone looking to make a change in their professional life and break into a new industry

    Anyone currently working in an industry but struggling to move forward or make advancement in their career

    Anyone confused about how to channel your skills, gifts, and drive into a forward trajectory

  • Help you turn your hobby into a business

    Develop professional connection skills And show you how to meet with professionals for informational interviews

    Support you in building your network through professional introductions

    Provide the resources to support and be supported by other job seekers in similar circumstances

  • Discussion session to walk you through the process of getting started or moving forward, along with resources to help you be successful (1 hour)

    Summary report of our session for you to look back on and review the strategies we covered (2-5 pages with template)

    Outline of personalized recommendations to ensure you are working towards your goals and remain on the right path (1 page)

  • People wanting to make a change in their career but are unsure where to start or feeling stuck

    Anyone trying to break into a professional field but feels intimidated by the rapidly evolving job market

    Anyone looking to develop an actionable plan for their job search

  • Teach you the desired skills/knowledge of the professional world through training and courses

    Expand your network and help you find a coach or mentor

    Give you the tools to understand how to work in a career field

  • Course #1

    Course #2

    Course #3

  • Training course developed around your personal needs (1-2 hour?)

    Summary of training materials to look back on and review in your free time (2-5 pages?)


We’ll help you find the key components of your dream career.


I - A role that matches you.

II - A company that treats you with respect.

III - Fair working conditions.

It’s time to make a change. You can find a career you love.  


Even if you don’t know what your passions are. Even if you don’t know where to start. Even if you hate every “conventional” job you’ve heard of. And even if you’re stuck in the “can’t get a job because I have no experience, can’t get experience because I don’t have a job” catch-22. Misulis Group is here to support you.  

Because you deserve a rewarding and satisfying career.


“In our careers, we all have things that we tell ourselves, that we’re not ready, we’re not valuable, we’re just small people, but we’re none of those things. Each and every one of us is a dreamer, a caregiver, a family member, a friend, a professional, and the master of our own fates. We need to accept the reality that we are those roles each and every day of our own lives, and once we do so, we can become the professionals we were born to be.”

- KC Misulis