How to Get Followers on Your LinkedIn Page - Top 10 Most Followed Company Pages

How to Get Followers on Your LinkedIn Page - Top 10 Most Followed Company Pages on LinkedIn for 2022

In our previous articles, we talked about the importance of LinkedIn for job seekers looking for a new job or looking to change the industry, as well as for companies and organizations looking for employees.

LinkedIn is for Everyone - Career Development, Career Placement, Employment Opportunities, Hiring Trends in Information Technology, Professional Development, and so on.

We want to share the TOP 10 MOST FOLLOWED COMPANY PAGES ON LINKEDIN for 2022. You can visit their profiles, check their activity, read their publications, see how they interact with the audience, and decide why and how they became so popular and why people like them.

10. Harvard Business Review - 13,593,218 followers

9. IBM - 14,095,776 followers

8. Apple - 16,673,130 followers

7. Microsoft - 17,221,406 followers

6. Unilever - 17,585,747 followers

5. Forbes - 17,677,976 followers

4. TED Conferences - 22,785,105 followers

3. LinkedIn - 22,895,126 followers

2. Google - 25,311,703 followers

1. Amazon - 26,374,605 followers

We Recommend

If you want to make your company's page popular on LinkedIn, here we'll repeat it once more and give you some valuable tips; always remember and consider that:

  • Your LinkedIn Page works best when it is a dynamic, visually compelling collection of precious content

  • Curate it thoughtfully with your audience in mind, explore the possibilities, and watch your follower count grow next year

  • Your company page on LinkedIn is a great platform to drive awareness about upcoming events and conferences your company is attending or sponsoring.

  • If you include relevant info on the imagery, there's no need to repeat that vocabulary within the caption copy.

  • Sharing exciting company news makes your LinkedIn company page feel like an exclusive community while attracting top talent.

  • By creating distinct platforms for different aspects of your business, you can tailor messages specifically to target audiences for each. The General Electric company page on LinkedIn is an excellent example of this.


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