Owning a piece of the rat race: When is it time to start your own business (2nd part)

The first part of Tatiana’s Interview you can read here - https://bit.ly/3RFRiG9

Last week we spoke to Tatiana, a tattoo artist and shop owner, about the pros and cons of owning a small business. She was kind enough to share more of her time with us to discuss business ownership's PR side. Tatiana does not pay anyone to handle her press. She runs the studio Instagram and TikTok accounts for the shop, filling them with silly videos and perfectly posed photos that bring more eyes to the shop. She understands the value of having an online presence, especially to bring in a younger demographic. We talked about the reality of advertising for a business through social media and what it entails.

The most challenging part of new business is building up your clients. In tattooing, like any other industry, this takes some time. Many artists struggle, especially when starting. In Georgia, tattooing is still somewhat new, and many people are skeptical of this art form. It's tough to convert people from a conservative mindset and convince them they need this product. Tatiana has managed to build up a considerable reputation in Tbilisi for herself. Her studio now boasts seven artists, a piercing studio, and two barbers. She has done all this through Facebook, Instagram, and now TikTok.

Q: Can you walk me through the process of developing your reputation, PR, and advertising to build up your business and become the studio size you are?

A: When I started, I made posts on Facebook advertising myself. I made posts that said, "I'm a tattoo artist" there was my picture with blond hair and boobs, and I made my prices very cheap. Now I'm ashamed of this PR, but…so many people come to me for these posts that the biggest studio in Tbilisi texted me. They invited me to come work there and be a student. It was so cool for me. I started with some other students who didn't know tattoos very well. I used my art background and focused on trying to make lovely designs and trying to look good. This was working well for me.

And I was trying to learn how to communicate with people. Sometimes you must flirt a little bit if you have some serious clients, but not too much. It's unprofessional.

I am very creative about PR. First, I looked at other tattoo artists around me, and I did the same things, but I had my ideas, and my husband also had perfect ideas. I used social media to get my name out there, especially TikTok. The more people you know in your city, the better for your business. In any business, I think. It would help if you smiled at everyone. You can't show them that you are in a bad mood. That is very important.

Using social media to grow in any industry means you must be tuned into the current culture. Applications like TikTok and Instagram allow businesses to connect directly with future clients and build a community invested in their brand. By sharing algorithm-friendly content around their products or services, someone can draw many eyes to their shop. Tatiana sees the value in all those eyes and has worked hard to build a respectable following. She makes videos joking about the artists in her studio and the daily life of a tattoo artist. They have specific days dedicated to filming content for social media, and every artist at the studio is sure to be looking good. While hers is not the first or only business to use social media to its advantage, Tatiana is working hard to stand out.

How you present yourself in an industry so connected with art and beauty is essential. Your appearance is how you sell your work. If you have a sloppy look, people will also assume this is how you make tattoos. As a tattoo artist, Tatiana knows she is both the seller and the product. Every day she arrives at her studio with fresh makeup, long acrylic nails, and an outfit that follows the latest trends but has just a touch of her unique taste. Her blond hair is long to her hips and always nice. Even on days when she wears gym clothes, it's always a matching set that compliments her sunglasses and shoes. Her appearance is an investment in her business to Tatiana.

Q: You mentioned your appearance a lot when talking about PR. How much of your success as a small business owner is connected to your appearance?

A: 50%, I wouldn’t say I don’t like it, but it helps. I was not pretty in childhood. I was cute, but I knew it was important in life and my career, so I tried hard. I work out, bleach my hair, and have my lips done. It's essential, yea. I think I'm a good artist and I should not need this. It's sad. It's not only about looks; you also need to love your job; it helps. I love my job. I'm crazy about my job, and people can see that in me.

Unfortunately, this is a reality for most industries. There's a reason every agent in a real estate ad has white sparkling teeth and a freshly pressed suit. It's not just your appearance but how you present yourself. You are a walking advertisement for your business, and people are drawn to someone that looks put together. People want to see someone who matches their expectations.

Once your business is up and running, your PR is on track, and your client base is built up…what's next? You can't just set your business to autopilot and sit back. There's still a lot of day-to-day work that goes into a successful small business.

Q: What is the hardest part of owning a business?

A: The hardest part is having many employees because you should know how to talk to somebody who works for you without being rude. You would help if you had a different way to speak to each person. You should also always consider the experience because no clients should have an unpleasant experience in your studio. This is your responsibility, nobody else's. It's hard in this business, especially because many people are in the studio. They are all different and need different ways of communicating.

Good communication isn't only for advertising. It doesn't matter how many perfect Facebook posts you have. If people don't like you, word will get around. Your biggest advertisement is yourself, and your attitude affects how people see you. If you can connect with a customer and make them feel listened to, they will likely choose you over the competition next time. Retaining customers is critical for business longevity and how you interact with customers is one of the most important ways to do that. You should be as friendly and approachable in person as you are on Instagram.

Tatiana built a reputation without having to go the traditional route and pay for advertisement. Social media is a free, fast, and effective way to reach potential customers and build your brand. It's not instant and not easy, but with persistence and planning, you can make social media work for you.

If you want more help navigating the waters of your small business operation, we can help. Visit us at www.MisulisGroup.com and let our qualified business consultants help you do it.


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