When Should You Be Asking For A Raise?

One of the biggest career questions, besides how to find a job, is when to ask for a raise. This can be tricky. Many people feel awkward or uncomfortable about asking for more money. So let's break it down and talk about when are the best times to ask for a raise.

When is the best time to ask for a raise?

The best time is after you have done something significant. Suppose you recently passed an important milestone, like completing your second year with the company. It's essential to check in with the management regularly to ensure you aren't missing regular raises you deserve 

After the company goes through a growth period where you carry a lot of weight is another good time to check in about your salary. Talk about the work you have been doing, any new responsibilities you have taken on, and how your salary should reflect that.

Another great time to bring up your pay is after completing a large project that brought the company some new business opportunities. When you have completed a project that positively impacted the company, your manager should be aware and is probably open to discussing your pay.

Finally, a great time to bring it up is after a sustained performance period. When you consistently perform above expectations, asking for your salary to reflect your success is appropriate. if you have taken on additional responsibilities,  had an extended period of success in your current role, or recently received positive feedback from your manager, it may be time to have the conversation

Asking for higher pay can be an uncomfortable conversation. Many people avoid this kind of confrontation at all costs. As a result, they leave tons of money on the table. If you are nervous about demanding more money for your time and effort, consider making a list of your yearly accomplishments and what they brought the company. Having hard data can give you confidence and make your point stronger.

Generally, your manager wants you to have a positive experience. They should always be open to discussing what you deserve or what you can do to justify a raise. If you are looking for more career advice, contact Misulis Group for guidance and advice to help you improve your career and build a future.


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