How to start an English Tutoring Business

English has become the lingua franca for many industries in our modern business world. With the rise of English speakers, there is a corresponding need for competent, well-trained English teachers. If you are a native or fluent English speaker with excellent communication skills and lots of patience, being an ESL teacher might be the perfect job.

Don't be fooled by the rhetoric online. Teaching is no easy job. It requires dedication, hard work, and a continuous desire for self-improvement. If you fit this bill, Misulis Group has put together a quick how-to guide for starting a teaching business. Follow our simple map to decide how to teach, get your certifications, establish your business, and find students.

Deciding where to teach

After deciding to change careers and become an English as a Second Language (ESL) Teacher, your most crucial decision is where you will teach. There are many options for an ESL teacher, from working online with students worldwide, traveling to far-off countries and working with the local population, and even staying at home and working with people in your community. You must decide what kind of business you want and where you want to have it.  

  • Teaching online  

If you like the flexibility of remote work and don't want to be confined to one place, online work might be for you. All you need is a computer, a good internet connection, and headphones to start teaching online. Many prefer this over other options because it allows teachers to travel and keep flexible hours. Students can meet on Google Meet, Zoom, Skype, or another hosting platform and pay through PayPal or Wise (formerly TransferWise).

One of the biggest challenges with this style is time zones. Having online students means you will likely have students from around the world. Managing the different time zones can be tricky, especially if you are also traveling. Many teachers also don'tdon't like the online lesson style. Making a genuine connection with students through the screen can feel impersonal and difficult. If you teach children, they can especially struggle with focusing on lessons when faced with the temptation of games and the internet at their fingertips. 

Online teachers have two options. You can either host lessons on a video hosting platform like Zoom or Skype or work for a teaching website. 

Teaching on a video call system (Zoom/Skype/google meet)

Striking out on your own can be a challenge. Not having a middleman means you get all the profits from lessons without cutting a percentage to a hosting website. However, without support from a company, you must find your own students, handle all your advertising, and deal with technology issues by yourself. 

There are many free options for finding students, hosting lessons, and dealing with payment, which will be covered below. 

Teaching on a preexisting platform 

There are many benefits if you choose to teach on a preexisting platform. These platforms often provide you with a place to advertise to students seeking lessons. You are likely to have success since everyone looking at your teaching advertisement is already there searching for an ESL teacher. 

The website will also handle payment processing and often provide you with an easy-to-submit tax form at the end of each year. Some websites have a set-up hosting server for you to schedule lessons, meet virtually with students, and hold classes all through the website. 

This is a convenience you won't get when working for yourself. However, it comes at a price. Lesson hosting sites take a percentage of your payment as fees for all this labor. 

  • Teaching abroad 

Another exciting option is to move to a foreign country to teach. This is a big decision and can seem very scary, but in reality, it's not complicated. Many schools and programs are already set up to help teachers find a place to teach, find accommodations, and get started. Most often, these programs focus on recruiting for schools in the country. You can search by the country that interests you and likely find several services. 

While many of these recruiting services can be helpful, teachers should be wary of scams and false advertising. Many overpromise and underdeliver to their teacher recruits. Ensure you have done due diligence when vetting a program before sending them any information or making travel arrangements. 

Of course, you can also move first, then find jobs. If you have a country in mind, another option is to move there and search for students once you arrive. This can be risky as you don't have any guarantee of success, but it is often easier to find students through word of mouth and referrals. Once you make connections, students can find you through relationships with other students. Many people feel more comfortable with a teacher a trusted acquaintance has referred. 

  • Teaching in your home country

 Suppose you have decided to start teaching but know that online isn't ideal for you, are not interested in managing different time zones on your schedule, and aren't ready to relocate. In that case, you can stay in your home country to start a business. Many schools have an ESL program, especially school districts near a border with a non-English speaking country. To teach at a public school, you will need whatever state teaching credentials are required by the government. Some private schools may not require it, and if you are a private tutor, you don'tdon't have to have teaching credentials, but it may be hard to compete with other teachers who do have them. 

Another option when staying in your home country is to focus on English language arts (ELA) rather than ESL. Specializing in essay writing, state test preparation, or reading skills can give you an advantage when competing for students.   

Getting certification and experience 

Teachers must have appropriate knowledge and qualifications before advertising themselves to students. Promoting yourself as a teacher and accepting money from students before you have qualifications misrepresents yourself and can hurt your reputation. 

English language teachers have many options for certifications ranging from a quick 60-hour course to a masters degree. Most teachers who want to change careers start with a "Teaching English as a Foreign Language" (TEFL) course.

When looking for a TEFL course, you will notice many options and dozens of companies offering a variety of course lengths. It's crucial to vet your TEFL company carefully and check the reviews to be sure that the course you purchase has good information.

While online courses are an easy and accessible way to start your ESL teaching journey, looking for classroom experiences is essential. If you want to teach in a school, you may want to start with a volunteer opportunity like Peace Corps, Fulbright, or Americorps.  

  • TEFL vs CELTA certificate 

The TEFL is the most popular way teachers start their teaching careers. Depending on your work, the TEFL can be enough to get going, and teachers can continue to learn as they go. However, some teaching opportunities require a more rigorous certificate. 

The Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults or CELTA is an internationally recognized teaching certificate. To get this qualification accredited by Ofqual, a UK academic exam regulator, future teachers must complete a 120-hour course. The course covers teaching practice and classroom observations to get a firm grasp of the skills you need. It also covers written assignments and a review of the language building blocks to ensure you have the background knowledge required. Finally, the CELTA coves teaching methodologies to help prepare you for the classroom. 

Many TEFL courses cover everything a CELTA does, but completing a CELTA ensures future students and employers qualify for your education. Not all TEFL courses are created equal, but the CELTA more regulated standards give students and schools peace of mind. 

 The other big difference between a CELTA and a TEFL is the price. On average, a CELTA certificate can cost you close to $1,400. Meanwhile, a 120-hour TEFL course is almost 1/4th the price at around $300. 

  • Teaching courses

Although definitely the most popular, TEFL and CELTA are not the only options for teaching. Many opportunities are available to teachers wanting to get an education. There are four-year teaching programs at universities, courses offered at community colleges, online classes and seminars, courses from career development sites like Udemy and Coursera, and work-study programs like Peace Corps and Fulbright. 

If you are motivated to get an education, there is a way for you to gain some knowledge and experience. 

  • Continuing education

Whatever course of education you choose, it's vital to make sure you don't treat your training like a one-and-done thing. Once you start teaching, it's your responsibility to continue educating yourself through any of the options listed above. This is your responsibility towards your students and profession, but they also help you financially. 

If you take continuing education courses to teach new topics like Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and International English Language Testing System (IELTS), you can begin offering specialized test prep classes. Gaining skills like teaching essay writing, editing students' writing, and teaching reading to students who struggle can open up additional income streams for you and allow you to raise your hourly rate.

Setting up your business

After you decide where to teach and gain your credentials, laying the groundwork for your new career is critical. To make money, students need to be aware of you and know you are available for classes. The easiest way to do this is through social media or a website.

  • Building social media

Social media is an excellent tool for new teachers because of its popularity. If you make a teaching page on Facebook, it allows you to have a place to advertise, connect with new students, and make contact with the current teaching community wherever you decide to start working. Best of all, most social media accounts are free to open and operate. You can run advertisements for a reasonable price. It allows students to contact you easily without giving out your phone number. 

There are many benefits to social media, but it is hard work. It takes hours of consistent posting and careful profile creation to gain traction. More followers mean more potential students. A larger following also opens up additional income streams, such as an English education YouTube channel, sponsorships, and a more significant reach of people. If you have a large audience, other teachers may also pay you to promote them and build up their student list. 

  • Creating a website 

A website could be a good investment if you are serious about creating a sustainable business. It has never been easier or cheaper to create your own website. Many services offer easy drag-and-drop templates and have pages already set up to take payments and schedule customers. 

If you are uncomfortable using a service or don'tdon't have the tech know-how, you can hire a company to create a website for you. Misulis Group offers custom-designed webpages to your specifications and needs. 

Once you have a website, you can share it on social media and language learning message boards. Many people feel more comfortable paying money to a professional-looking website than to a private account like PayPal or Venmo. 

Decide on rates 

Deciding on your rates can be very hard. Many teachers have a habit of undercharging for their services. There are many reasons for this, from generosity to low self-esteem. Whatever the reason, it's strongly advised against. Charging too low hurts not only you but all the other teachers. When students see a teacher has a low rate, it can give the idea that teaching is not a specialized skill and doesn't deserve a higher wage. The truth is that teaching is a technical skill that can take a long time to perfect. In addition to the hour-long lesson, teachers spend hours of personal time developing lessons and resources, making plans, and learning new teaching techniques. 

On the other hand, if you charge too much, it will severely limit your student pool. Not many people want to spend more money than they need to. It's important to research the market in which you are trying to compete and offer lessons at a fair price. If you teach in a country with low salaries, asking for 30 or 40 dollars an hour is not realistic. You won't find anyone who can afford this. 

Don't be afraid to reach out to other teachers in the market you want to work. Ask them what they charge and how they conduct lessons. The teaching community is usually very welcoming and would likely be happy to help you. 

Finding students 

The hardest part of any new business is finding customers. Teaching is no different. When you first start, it can be difficult and discouraging. The easiest way to start is through recommendations or contacts you have. If you know anyone with school-aged kids or professionals who need to improve their English, start there. Offer them a special rate to be your first customer and ask them to help you network. Social media is your friend if you are teaching remotely and not in the location. Using local groups and pages to advertise can be a great way to build up word-of-mouth advertising. 

  • Teaching children vs. teaching adults

The success of your teaching business hinges on your relationships with students. When targeting students, knowing who you are comfortable teaching is critical. If you don't like children and don't know how to interact with them, you should focus more on adults. If you feel awkward around teenagers and are much better at upbeat, fun lessons, focus on younger students and avoid high school. 

When starting, it's great to test all kinds of students and see what lessons are most enjoyable. Remember, turning down any lessons you don't want to take is ok. If a teacher feels tense and awkward, the students will notice. Teachers don't have an obligation to accept every student that wants lessons. 

  • Using social media to gain students

Social media is a great tool. Because it's a person-to-person connection, your posts and stories advertising services will seem more authentic than an ad on the side of a website. Search around to find the most popular social media site in the area. Many large population centers have Facebook groups to connect language learners with teachers. There are usually ex-pat groups where travelers post personal ads and local information. Your area might also have a language teachers group where teachers post adverts for overflow students who reached out for lessons

Making posts about your services, engaging with potential students, and using social media to showcase your teaching abilities are crucial for finding students remotely. Many teachers create a YouTube channel or website full of teaching videos to give out free services. This can draw students in and give them a sample of your teaching style.  

  • Word of mouth

Students are more likely to hire a teacher personally connected to them. You are a safer bet if you are already teaching someone they know. Just like reading the reviews of a product before buying it online, people want to be sure you are worth the price.  

Word of mouth and social media go hand in hand. Once you find an online student and they are satisfied with your service, you have a significant advantage! You can ask this student to write a review of your services to share on your profile, make a post tagging you in it, or recommend you to some friends looking for a teacher.

If you have satisfied students, they will likely recommend you to friends and associates. From one happy customer, you can potentially fill your student roster.

In conclusion

Starting a teaching business is no small task or quick weekend side hustle, but it can be a great full or part-time job if you are willing to put in the work. If you want help setting up your business, making a website, or discovering the best career, Misulis Group is here to help. We offer business and individual consulting and many other services for your new business. 


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