The Side Hustle Series – Tutoring And Teaching Online

Tutoring and teaching online are popular because it is time-tested and in demand. People worldwide are always looking for good language tutors. All you need is a computer and an internet connection. Many websites help you start, gain experience, and develop a clientele.

While making this a prosperous source of income is possible, I would not call this an easy side hustle. Teaching is a job that requires training, certifications, and time to be successful.

I was already an English teacher, so I was fortunate enough to be set up with the necessary background to teach online. I completed a TEFL certificate but had taught English as a Second Language (ESL) in a classroom for two years. This experience was integral to me jumping right in and beginning to canvass for students.

You will need a TEFL, CELTA, or other ESL teaching certificate. Many people think that if you can speak English, then you can teach English. That leads to many people starting but needing help finding students or success. Most students want a teacher with credentials and experience. Teaching is a skill that needs to be developed, and an ESL teacher must understand that learning a second language takes different approaches than English as a native speaker.

Starting out

If you choose to go through an online platform that works as a middleman to match you with students, your starting time will vary. Each website has a unique recruitment process that you must complete.

I decided to do it independently, using Facebook groups and word of mouth to advertise my availability. I found my first student in about one week; from there, more students were referred. In about two months, I was able to earn enough to support myself by teaching English online.

You can only start this job with the effort and time put into building it. It takes a while to find students, especially in a different geographic location.

When I started, I lived outside of the US, contributing to finding students so quickly. However, since it is online teaching, having students worldwide is possible.

It also takes time to develop skills as a teacher. I spent 30 minutes planning for each teaching hour when I started. Now, after five years of teaching and three years of teaching online, I can design a lesson in just a few minutes and have a massive stock of lesson resources.

After about six months of teaching, I started expanding and taking on additional projects, such as a contract to create and host an online English summer camp. Hosting group classes, online camps, or test prep courses is another excellent way to increase your customer base.

A realistic look at income

When I started, I was charging 10$ an hour in march 2020. Since then, I have raised my rate and made other changes to my business, but I am still working as an online English teacher.

In my first week, I didn't make any money. After finding some students, I was making 30$ to 60$ a week. Once the school year started in the fall, I supported myself by giving lessons for 30 hours a week, working on side projects, and offering editing and proofreading services.

I'm working as a part-time teacher, supplementing my income with freelance work.

Overall thoughts

Teaching online is a sustainable and attainable job that can help pad your income. That being said, it's not easy and only sometimes enjoyable. Teaching takes additional work, like developing lesson plans, becoming familiar with lesson hosting, creating a teaching style, and becoming comfortable as a teacher. The longer you do it, the easier it becomes.

It would be best if you did not consider this a side hustle or an easy revenue stream. It takes a lot of work and energy to be successful. You must be willing to put in the time and be reliable. However, teaching online means you can work in different time zones, teaching on the weekends and evenings after the typical workday.

I recommend this job to someone who has already tried teaching and feels comfortable giving lessons. Starting from scratch can be difficult and takes a lot of effort.

If starting your business seems like a dream, but you need to know where to start, check out our website for more articles, advice, and consulting services -

The Side Hustle Series Articles:


How to start an English Tutoring Business


Working At Big Companies, Small Companies, vs. Startups