Job Market Trends in 2022

Trends impact the job market, here’s what to expect in 2022 and beyond.

We did a little research and found important trends that are taking place in 2022 and will take place in the future. We'll also explain why these trends are critical to job seekers. Check out this article, follow the trends while looking for a job, and you will have the information you need to get the most out of your working life.

o   Remote working makes itself at home

A survey conducted by FlexJobs found that 58% of people would like to work from home, while 39% would like a hybrid environment. Studies showed that remote workers are more productive than in-office workers. Applicants will look to a work-from-home and mixed work options as standard when applying for positions, while companies will need to offer flexible and work-from-home options if they want to attract and retain the best talent.

o   Candidates start to know their worth

More job applicants realize their worth in the job market; people are less willing than ever to put up with poor working conditions. Candidates will demand higher levels of pay than they have received in the past. And to attract better employees, companies will have to offer more money.

o   Employees expecting better benefits 

Employees in 2022 and beyond will expect a broader healthcare package and will also demand an improved approach to parental leave and remote work flexibility. Companies that want to hire the best employees will respond to this trend.

o   Diversity and inclusion with measurable improvements

The past few years have seen a considerable increase in awareness of social justice issues. Any company that wants to succeed in workforce relationships will focus more than ever on its diversity, equality, and inclusive initiatives. Companies must deliver on big promises because candidates will look for actions, not words.

o   Brands building on values

Companies that want to attract and retain the staff need to offer good pay, extensive benefits, clear diversity initiatives, and positive environmental impacts, but that's not all. Candidates now look for companies that match their morals and values, so businesses need to emphasize their mission and culture in job adverts. 

o   The Four-Day Work Week

The increasing popularity of remote work and better awareness of wellness issues means a growing trend towards shorter work weeks and more flexibility regarding working hours and locations. Indeed, the four-day work week is becoming increasingly popular. And while plenty of people love having a three-day weekend as part of their routine, studies show that moving to a four-day week can often prove beneficial for both staff and companies.

o   Automation and Artificial Intelligence 

The ever-increasing influence of technology, the massive shift to remote work, and added pressure on smaller workforces mean that more companies will look towards automation. And to meet that need, companies will turn to organizations that provide automated services. Artificial Intelligence will go hand in hand with increased automation because AI improves accuracy and results in these automated tasks.

o   Wellness will become a concrete metric

We will see businesses deploying innovative new metrics to measure their employees' mental health, physical health, and job satisfaction. Companies will need these numbers to measure how these unique benefits and wellness additions work in the workplace. 

Managers and analysts will rely on statistics to determine how many people are using the benefits on offer. Staffing surveys and feedback sessions will discover if employees report increased happiness and satisfaction. Companies will more closely monitor productivity levels, financial success, the number of sick days taken, and fluctuation rates to build a complete picture of how these new politics are working.

o   Returning to the Office 

While it is true that remote working and hybrid working environments will be far more prevalent in 2022, we also expect to see some pushback against this new way of working. Expect to find that many more traditional managers are uncomfortable with so many of their staff spending so much time at home, chiefly because they don't trust their staff to get the job done. That situation will lead to management trying to impose office mandates, leading to resentment and unhappiness.

It's not a good trend, but it will be a trend, nonetheless. 


We have created the For You Program for those who want to find a new job or would like to change their field of performance. Misulis Group will help you build your profile documents, prepare for job interviews, etc.


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